
Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Placebo For Mental-Paralysis

Just for your information, i oppose to the idea of posting "excuse" like "i don't know what to write, so here goes my crap.........." Instead, what i would do when my creative juices dried up is to share medias ie: videos walloped from youtube, songs, clips or pictures worth a double take. So everytime you see a new media in my blog, you know i'm really gonna pay a trip to the "idea-mart" currently located at a place inaccessible to me reaaaalll soon.

A couple of days back, i thought i was about to have my mental-paralysis cured only to find myself lying on the ground with John babbling away at Jalan Telawi. However all is not lost cuz youtube is just a click away from where i'm seated, in between coffee and cigarettes now.You don't get it do you? Read preceding paragraph.

Well, alcohol helps too. Sometimes i write when i'm drunk. Not really reading material guys, i normally save them in drafts for fear of immediate post-mortem embarrassment. On my timely visit to the idea-mart, i took an excursion, to the strawberry field. I couldn't find my way out from the field but i enjoyed my trip there and i brought along some strawberries duhhh..for you guys. Hope you like how they taste:)

Hey, i think idea-mart is open for business today:)

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